Today the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) released its priority list of chemicals nominated for review.

This is the important work that the APVMA should be focused on so that the community can continue to have confidence in the use of chemicals in Australia.
However, Barnaby Joyce is focused on disrupting the work of the APVMA for his own political gain by pursuing his thought bubble of moving the agency out of Canberra to his own electorate.
The APVMA’s CEO, Ms Arthy, recently told Senate Estimates:
Ms Arthy:  We have got about 85 regulatory scientists, and only seven of those said that they would be willing to move. If we take a scientist out of university it takes about two or three years to train them up to a junior level and, after some experience and further training, it can take up to five to 10 years for them to become senior evaluators. It is a significant amount of expertise.
Senator GALLACHER: So these organisations are saying that a shift would invoke a loss of capacity to get their work done?
Ms Arthy: Correct.
Barnaby Joyce’s lack of understanding or concern about the negative impact moving the APVMA will have on their important work is staggering.
Malcolm Turnbull needs to put a stop to his Minister’s crazy idea and direct him to support the work of the APVMA.


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